WEEK #31 JULY 29th, 2024

Dear Customers,

           I read the paper at work in the morning.  If I had to pay for it, I don’t think I’d bother.  About the only thing I enjoy during those 7-8 minutes spent catching up with local news is the comics page!  That page rarely disappoints!

          One of my all-time favorite comic strips was Calvin & Hobbes that ran from 1985-1995.  That wasn’t nearly long enough!  It featured a mischievous little boy and his stuffed tiger which magically came alive when there were no adults around.  One of my favorites showed the two of them on the first day of summer vacation.  Lying on the ground under a tree, their folded arms cradling their heads, the caption read, “the possibilities are endless!”

          That expertly captured that feeling I’d get as a boy with the entire summer stretching out in front of me!  By the time August rolled around, however, the realization that summer vacation was more than 2/3’rds over put a real crimp in my joy.  Sure, there were still 3 or so weeks left before the first day of school, but other than the county fair, that time was generally eaten up by that dreaded term, “Back to School” which always included clothes shopping, a young boy’s worst nightmare.    

          By the time you read this, we expect to be selling Kinney’s Sweet Corn from Port Allegany.  If you’re a fan of delicious, sweet corn, particularly home-grown summertime corn, you’ve probably already eaten this locally famous brand.  It’s been several years since we were able to offer any home-grown corn because we hadn’t been able to secure a supplier.  Personally, I can’t wait to try it as I have heard about Kinney’s corn for years!