WEEK #18 MAY 1st, 2023

Dear Customers, It’s not a contest by any means because I can find something to love about each of the 12 months of the year, but May & June have got to be right up there at the top of the list.  The maple trees are leafing out, the temperatures become more moderate and all…

WEEK #17, APRIL 24th – 30th

Dear Customers, As I wrote this, almost a month before it appears in our ad, there are piles of snow, particularly in the woods behind the high school which faces North.  By the time you read this, I fully expect to be mowing the lawn.  Its just one of those things, as you get older,…

WEEK #16 APRIL 17, 2023

Dear Customers, Three years ago, when we were first becoming familiar with the words “pandemic” and “Covid”, the prevailing expert opinion was that if everybody just stayed home from school and work, it would run its course in two or three weeks, tops!   As days and weeks turned into months and ultimately years, we began…

WEEK #15 APRIL 10th – 16th, 2023

Dear Customers, A little over a month ago, back on the evening of March 6th and into the morning of the 7th, a heavy, wet snow fell across much of our area.  At approximately 9:30pm, Monday night, our power flickered and then went out!  While that’s a regular occurrence during the course of most years,…

WEEK #14 APRIL 3rd, 2023

Dear Customers, As a young boy and even into the early stages of adulthood, if pressed I would readily admit that my favorite holiday of the year was Christmas – followed at some distance by Thanksgiving!  Most kids would probably respond the same way.  After all there are decorations, toothsome delicacies, festive songs and most…

WEEK #13 MARCH 27th 2023

Dear Customers, March has a little less than a week left and while you’re probably not “actively” thinking about the upcoming Easter holiday, it may be on your radar or in the back of your mind.  While it might happen, I’ve never heard of any family, at least around here, offering a vegetarian alternative to…

WEEK #12 MARCH 20th, 2023

Dear Customers, I’m sure at some time in your life, you’ve purchased something that didn’t quite live up to expectations.  There are multiple degrees of this – from mildly annoyed or disappointed to downright livid!  Without going into specifics and mentioning a specific company, suffice it to say that it’s happened to me before and…

WEEK #11 MARCH 13th, 2023

Dear Customers, Friday of this week we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!  One of the most popular meals we, as Americans enjoy on that day is corned beef (and cabbage if you so desire).  At least in the United States, corned beef is made from the brisket of the cow though other cuts are sometimes used…

WEEK #10 MARCH 6th 2023

Dear Customers, I started working as a box-boy about this time of the year in the spring of 1970.  I had just finished basketball season as a sophomore and had exhausted my list of excuses why I couldn’t begin work!  My older brother was my “supervisor” and he delighted in bedeviling me with the worst…

week #9 February 27th, 2023

Dear Customers, As the second truly bad month of winter comes to an end, we find ourselves uncharacteristically optimistic! The daylight hours are obviously more plentiful at the end of February than they were at its beginning. A couple of days of unseasonably warm weather has long dormant flower bulbs poking their tentative heads up…